About the Application Intensive

EBCAO hosts a remote, full-time application intensive (AI) each August for current and past participants in EBCAO programs who are currently applying to PhD programs in the humanities and social sciences. Students in good standing in select EBCAO programs are eligible to apply to the AI in the summer before their senior (rising-senior) year of college. Alumni who completed select EBCAO programs in good standing, and are rising college seniors or hold a Bachelor's Degree, may also apply. 

To be eligible, participants must be applying to PhD programs in the humanities or social sciences in Fall 2024, with plans to matriculate in a PhD program in Fall 2025. The AI is not for individuals applying to Master's programs, law or medical school, or PhD programs in STEM.

Application to the AI are due no later than 11:59 PM on Friday, July 26, 2024.